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Fibroadenoma is one of the common diseases associated with young women's breasts, closely related with breast cancer. In Nigeria, about 23% of women have this disease, exact statistics (numbers) is inaccurate. All over the world, it is evident that it is most common in women between the age range 15-35 or less than 30 years. And mostly, these women are one way or another African related.  A fibroadenoma affected breast in contrast to a breast with cancerous cells Fibroadenoma is a disease that causes growth of a non cancerous breast lump. Although, it is a benign breast tumor , that is rather not too alarming however, it does require medical attention. It can sometimes be disfiguring as it has a well defined form and there could be this rubbery sensation to it when touched or it could be hard. It is not painful, and are often times remain undiscovered until after some time. Fibroadenoma is a combination of  stromal cells or connective tissues  and glandular ti...
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Specificity, mostly doesn't apply when it comes to Kidney diseases . They are related, closely knitted, they go hand in hand that often times a particular kidney disease could subsequently lead to many other related kidney diseases, from Chronic kidney disease  to Kidney stones  or nephrolithiasis. With how important the kidney is, it doesn't come short on diseases that alters its functions, numerous diseases have been known to affect the kidney and one of them, is Glomerulonephritis. Glomerulonephritis refers to the compound or simple  inflammatory condition of tiny blood vessels or filtering units in the kidney, called Glomeruli . Hence, the name "glomerulo" i.e the glomeruli and "nephritis" i.e the inflammatory disease. The glomeruli basically filter (remove) waste and excess or extra fluid from the bloodstream, diseases that affect the glomeruli (sing. glomerulus) are referred to as glomerular diseases . In a more simpler overview, glomerulo...


    Dr. Richard J. Kramer, a Gastroenterologist with the Parkinson's disease said in 2019 about his experience with the disease, "I was diagnosed two and a half years ago. I couldn’t believe it! Over the three prior years before diagnosis, I had noticed that I could not hold a pen properly and even my physician-type handwriting had become much worse than normal".                    Dr. Kramer and wife   The Parkinson's disease gradually deteriorates the nervous system. The symptoms appear gradually, and perhaps might go unnoticed by patients with the disease. However, it worsens over time.    Ever since the 17th century, the Parkinson's disease (otherwise known as PD) has been gaining weight in the medical world, but it was not until the 19th century that an English surgeon named  James Parkinson  published the book "essay on the shaking palsy", that the Parkinson's disease came ...


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