Joint disorders or diseases are inevitable, whether in the young, middle aged or the old aged people. Osteoarthritis is the most common disorder of arthritis, disorders that result from the inflammation of joints, which in turn causes pains and stiffness of the joint that worsens gradually.
Osteoarthritis can also be called the degenerative joint disease. The disease is caused by the gradual wear and tear of flexible, protective tissues at the end of the bones (two) making a joint. The wearing down of the cartilages is either caused as a result of mechanically stressing activities by the body or by the inability of the inflammation of the joint to curb any damage caused by foreign agents, eventually leading to osteoarthritis.
The degenerative joint disease usually occur in all possible joints of the human body, however, it specifically affects the hips, knee, neck, hand (fingers), and the spine joints.
The development of the disorder is gradual and slow, the symptoms are mild at first, then they become worse with time. Osteoarthritis is mostly noticeable from the symptoms, it can then be confirmed by medical imaging (MRI scanning). The symptoms include:
• Pain in the regions of the joints affected.
• Swelling of the joints.
• Grating sensations i.e the crackling sound of the joints when the shoulder or knee is moved.
• Inability to walk, run as one would normally do.
• Noticeable pains, especially after exercises.
• Cold temperature induced pains. This isn't common, however, there have been occasions where patients complain about this, which is later confirmed to be osteoarthritis.
• Staying active, by exercising helps in the treatment of osteoarthritis.
• Reduction of weight is important for osteoarthritis patients who are overweight.
• Use of pain relief drugs such as paracetamol or acetaminophen helps in the treatment of osteoarthritis.
• In rare cases, joint replacement surgery is required. This is done when signs of disability or inability to walk or run is noticed.
All you need is to start, from there, you can only get better. Thanks for reading to this point.
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